Intro to me

Hello! Welcome to my blog. I am The Selfish Wife. I love exercise, sleep, and men. Yep, it’s all about me and what keeps me going. I have it all, yet I am selfish and want more. I am not selfish in a materialistic way, but in an emotional way. I am very sexual(although not overtly  as I tend to keep this part of me to myself), a free spirit and uptight at the same time. Because of some of the issues I will bring up later, I choose to remain anonymous because I am not proud of some of the choices I have made. I’m addicted to information and seeking answers so please feel free to comment on my posts. I want this blog to be as raw and real as possible. A safe outlet. I guess you could say it’s my therapeutic little corner.  Oh, and I tend to blog more so when I am down, but will make efforts to add cheery posts as well.

I am  married to a wonderful, wonderful man. We have been married for 15 years and have two beautiful children. A boy 13, and girl 11. I have everything I need. A college education, a nice house, organic food, good health(so far), two dogs, and a cat. I live in a mountain town and get to pursue my passion of adrenaline sports and adventure. I stay at home raising my children, although I am rarely home due to my love of the outdoors. A nice side effect of my endurance addiction is a tight physique. BUT, all of this is not enough. This is why I am here….to talk about the struggles of women in their forties, marriage, infidelity, raising teens, anxiety, depression, and seeking contentment. You name it, I’ll talk about it! I am very aware that I have a good life and most people would love to be in my shoes. I am not here to be judged or shamed. I am here to be heard. To speak about my issues and hopefully find out I am not alone. Feel free to chime in at any time or give me a shout out on social media as I am trying to build my blog. It’s important for me to keep my identity unknown due to the privacy of my family.

Disclaimer: I do not claim to be a therapist or counselor. I do not claim to be a writer, I write like I talk.